The end of a Great Year

I can’t believe that 2012 is coming to an end already. In February my oldest turned 1 year old. In April My husband turned 24 and we had our 2nd wedding anniversary. In July our second child was born. In October I turned 23. Now here we are in December getting ready to close out this year to begin another. Time has just flown by it seems and it is hard to find a second to just pause and reflect on what this year brought us. We have had our ups and downs financially especially with the baby being born but we are on track for a better new year if it is in the cards for us. I have a great chance at a job in the new year and I will be going to school as well as my husband, so we are going to be busy bee’s in the new year! It will get us where we want to be in life so in the end it is all worth what we do. 


I found some great ideas for Christmas gifts for next year since I ran across them a little too late to had out this year. Not to mention I am going to use up the rest of the chemical cleaners I have and start using all natural products since I do have my two boys. I also want to make more of a conscious decision to eat more healthy foods and stop buying the oh so tempting junk food. My lovely husband is not a help with that! 


How was your year? What do you want to do in the coming year?

It’s that time of the year!

We got our Christmas tree yesterday, and it is all decorated with lights and ornaments. I can’t believe another year has come and gone so soon! I have to get working on the presents especially since my family is having Christmas early due to them going out of town over the actual holiday. I am getting the pictures tonight so hopefully I will be able to start working on making the coasters and then just to figure out one more gift for close family friends. 


What are you doing for Christmas? Or if you don’t celebrate Christmas what do you celebrate this time of year?

A Day in the Life of a Stay at Home Mother

Well more like a weekend day. Oh who am I kidding, being a parent in general doesn’t allow you a weekend or day off! Today started off not too bad, my lovely toddler woke me up around 8:30am and with that woke up the baby as well. On a normal weekend my husband would be home to take care of the toddler but he had work so it was up to me to get through the morning. The second I get out of bed the kiddo goes “uh-oh” and is holding on to his diaper because he has to pee. YAY! He is starting to understand when he has to go potty.

Fast forward to Daddy getting home. Well once he got home both the baby and toddler wanted to go with him. That lasted all of half an hour before Daddy decided it was nap time and put our kids to sleep and I had quiet for two whole hours! I should have taken a nap or cleaned but I spent the time surfing the web instead. Did some shopping after that and that was about it for today.


Kids are in bed, husband is playing video games and I am updating my blog though I need to find more things to write about. So if you have suggestions on what is boggling your mind about what a stay at home mom like me does all day just leave a comment!


Oh and one last thing before I forget. If you have not signed up at I suggest you do so. It isn’t a lot of money but it really does help to buy those extras for you or your kids. If you want proof just check out my video or the pictures I have posted here. I have made $80 in two months so it is not a lot but It helped to get Christmas presents for this year. That is what I used the gift cards to buy.